20 Seiten mehr als dt. Version, neue bis dato unveröffentlichte Bilder von der Band 77, exklusives Vorwort von Kevin McKay, neue Interviews mit Menace, Chris Cummings (line up 77-78), Besitzer TJM Label (Built Up, Knocked Down), Einfluss der Band auf die frühe dt. Punkszene, Farbbilder...
I'm An-ti-social, An-ti-social, An-ti-Social, I hate the world ...
With this song, the band Skrewdriver made themselves loudly heard in the punk music world in 1977. Many young people and adolescents identified themselves with this line of text during a time of prevailing dreariness, which was also characterized by increasing social and political tensions. Skrewdriver followed (like many others) the call of the emerging British punk movement with the "Do It Yourself" philosophy. They performed with the Sex Pistols, opened shows for The Damned, Motörhead, Billy Idols Generation X, Boomtown Rats or also for Siouxie & The Banshees and were on the verge of a successful music career, but riots at an important concert in London suddenly destroyed them Dreams of the ambitious musician.
This book documents the exciting journey of Skrewdriver during their punk phase up to 1979. Archive material with previously unpublished pictures, interviews with contemporary witnesses and former band members provide a deep insight into a time of formative, rebellious music culture.
20 pages more than the German version, new previously unpublished pictures from volume 77, exclusive foreword by Kevin McKay, new interviews with Menace, Chris Cummings (line up 77-78), owner of the TJM label (Built Up, Knocked Down), Influence of the band on the early German punk scene, color pictures ...